Day 5, 2022-01-01

Day 5, 2022-01-01

Landscape: Free horizon in every direction 

Weather: Clouds 1/8 ,southwest  6 m/s

Temp: 15 degrees

Distance: 55 km

Average distance: 46 km 

Total distance: 229 km

Position: 36.172228,-10.226898

Health/Emotions: Seasickness is finally over and we are on top of the Maslow ladder.

Description of the day

Finally, we don’t have to force-feed down food but can actually enjoy eating again. I had a Chilli con Carne today that was fantastic and Måns had a Stroganoff without meat (he’s vegan).

Also, we can enjoy the starry night and Milky Way lighting up our night.

Mareld, a remarkable type of plankton that at the least disturbance emits a strong green glow, is firing up the water in incredible colours with each oar stroke and glowing small fish are swimming alongside the rowboat.

We are so grateful for all the support we are receiving from all over the world. It is highly appreciated! :-)

Coalition Clean Baltic - Save the Baltic Porpoise

In the Baltic, porpoises eat mostly pelagic fish, which means fish that live in the water column rather than at the bottom. This includes for example herring, sprat and cod. However, porpoises need to eat almost constantly, so it is likely that they eat whatever they come across, even though they probably have favourite foods just like you and me.


Think ahead, travel light, and leave all your fears behind you.
Børge Ousland


Sign up a petition to protect The Baltic porpoise habitat


#simrisalg #datanetab #24hourmeals #suitehomespain #melkerkayaks #clearwrap#outdoorexperten #kleankanteen #sundayafternoons #opinel #bergansofnorway#teamsubtech #subtechsports #Primusequipment #primus #yuliyalife #ekensnaval #sarinfo#7slu #SaveTheBalticPorpoise #RäddaTumlaren


Day 6, 2022-01-02


Day 04, 2021-12-31